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Technology a key enabler for improving nutritional outcomes
Published on:
27th Sep, 2021
Urvashi Prasad and Sneha Ganguly
Technology can play an important role in enabling the delivery of health and nutrition services in a more streamlined, evidence-based and effective manner, especially in the post-Covid era. Real-time monitoring and data analytics can pave the way for designing targeted interventions.
ET Government
Exploit the potential of natural experiments for policymaking
Published on:
17th Sep, 2021
Yashaswini Saraswat and Anshuman Kamila
Evidence based policy making dependent on randomized control trials (RCTs) comes with its own set of limitations. In contexts where RCTs are not feasible, natural experiments may be explored for informed and robust decisions in place.
Digital social vouchers and the Indian experiment
Published on:
25th Aug, 2021
Paresh Dhokad & Veenu Singh
India stands out amongst emerging economies for unleashing digital transformation in the public sector. A major step in this direction is the recently launched e-RUPI digital payment instrument, which is being touted as the effective solution to end leakage and targeting woes.
Financial Express
How can Governments benefit from visual thinking in communicating evaluation findings? Takeaways from India
Published on:
2nd Jun, 2021
Yumiko Kanemitsu, WFP and Alok Mishra, DMEO, NITI Aayog
Governments can strategically introduce EvaluVision as part of monitoring and evaluation to support information management, enhance understanding, ensure retention, create an effective stakeholder engagement, and most importantly, use the evaluation insights.
Eval Partners
The digital dream: Upskilling India for the future
Published on:
1st Mar, 2021
Venugopal, Fatima
While the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace at which technology is becoming commonplace in our lives, it has also exposed a stark digital divide, leaving a large proportion of India’s population out of this paradigm shift.
Ideas for India
India's Dairy Sector Competitiveness
Published on:
1st Feb, 2021
Venugopal, Sr. Adv. Neelam Patel
I read somewhere that in a digital world, geography is history. With Niti Aayog transforming the dynamics for a New Digital India, sustainable work opportunities in rural India will lead to a new revolution of reverse migration. But before this could happen, an unprecedented pandemic trigered distress movement of labour back to their roots.
Agriculture Today
For a smarter food security programme
Published on:
14th Jan, 2021
Vijay Avinandan, Alok Mishra, Subham Awasthi
Evidence-driven approaches, including those tried out in Mexico and Brazil, can remove shortcomings in India’s nutrition schemes.
The Indian Express
Evaluate schemes for better outcomes
Published on:
16th Dec, 2020
Alok Mishra and Vijay Avinandan
Programme evaluations could improve the effectiveness of public policies and drive more efficient use of public funds.
Idr Online
Covid-19: How tech can ensure equity in education
Published on:
7th Jul, 2020
Alok Mishra
Blended online learning can remove barriers, and take education to girls, marginalised groups and remote areas
Hindustan Times
Data and the Road to Recovery from Coronavirus Pandemic
Published on:
30th Jun, 2020
Shweta Sharma
A coordinated approach is required to ensure we don’t end up data rich, information poor.