Novel Coronavirus originated in late 2019 in China and spread like wildfire across nations. While lockdowns were an ideal measure to limit the transmission of the disease, they had unintended con-sequences, especially in a developing country like ours, where the majority of the population lives hand to mouth.
The National Commission of Women has reported a rise in domestic and gender-based violence since the imposition of the countrywide lockdown. Financial hardship, risk of unemployment, worry of pay-cuts and the fear of contracting the disease are all affecting our collective mental well-being.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to heel the most powerful nations in the world and ground life to a standstill. India too is currently in Lockdown 4.0 and struggling to combat the spread of the virus.
Around the world, countries are struggling to rein in the spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak. In India, nearly 1.3 billion people are currently under a nationwide lockdown, which has been extended till 17 May.
The Global Terrorism Index (GTI), issued annually by the Australia based Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) aims to comprehensively analyse the impact of terrorism on 163 countries, covering 99.7% of the world population.
Governments across the world are struggling to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, with nearly 170000 deaths reported globally and over 200 countries affected.
The impact of corona virus has been uneven across several countries. Contrary to the common notion that developing and less developed countries that are geographically closer to china will see more rise in cases, the emerging evidence indicates a high rise in cases particularly from the developed world which are geographically far off from China.
We need to work on the implementation of a robust monitoring & evaluation (M&E) framework. Developing a robust M&E system entails strong backing by an agency which can affect the budget allocation of various schemes and ministries.