S.No. | Title | Organisation | Description | Theme |
1 | Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | Portal provides facility to visualise asset spread in the context of high resolution image backdrop with GIS analytical capabilities |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
2 | Krishi Vikas Kendra Acvities At Glance | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | It provides state wise details and profiles about KVK's, No. of registered farmers and details of past along with future events of K.V.K's across the country. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
3 | National Mission For Sustainable Agriculture | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | Provides state wise information of National Bamboo Mission, Rain Fed Area Development and Sub Mission on Agro forestry, Allocation details and Benificiary count. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
4 | Plant Quarantine Information System | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | To protect our plant life from ravages of destructive pests by preventing their entry, establishment and spread and thereby increasing agriculture productivity in order to improve the economy of our country. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
5 | PM Fasal Bima Yojana | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | It provides state/ Gender/Farmer/Category wise data about total loan applications, Area Insured, Premium for kharif and Rabi seasons. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
6 | Department Of Agricultue,Cooperation,& Farmers Welfare | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | Performance dashboard for various schemes run by Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
7 | Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices.Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
8 | Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | To promote natural resource based integrated and climate resilient sustainable farming systems that ensure mainenance and increase od soil fertility, natural resource conservation, on-farm nutrient recycling and minimize dependance of farmers on external inputs. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
9 | AGMARKNET | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | Integrated Scheme For Agricultural Marketing schmeme to promote creation of agricultural marketing infrastructure by providing backend subsidy support to State, cooperative and private sector investments. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |
10 | Soil Health Card | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare | To issue soil health cards every 3 years, to all farmers of the country, so as to provide a basis to address nutrient deficiencies in fertilization practices. |
Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy |