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Central Government Monitoring Dashboards

S.No. Title Organisation Description Theme
1 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Portal provides facility to visualise asset spread in the context of high resolution image backdrop with GIS analytical capabilities

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
2 Krishi Vikas Kendra Acvities At Glance Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

It provides state wise details and profiles about KVK's, No. of registered farmers and details of past along with future events of K.V.K's across the country.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
3 National Mission For Sustainable Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Provides state wise information of National Bamboo Mission, Rain Fed Area Development and Sub Mission on Agro forestry, Allocation details and Benificiary count.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
4 Plant Quarantine Information System Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

To protect our plant life from ravages of destructive pests by preventing their entry, establishment and spread and thereby increasing agriculture productivity in order to improve the economy of our country.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
5 PM Fasal Bima Yojana Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

It provides state/ Gender/Farmer/Category wise data about total loan applications, Area Insured, Premium for kharif and Rabi seasons.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
6 Department Of Agricultue,Cooperation,& Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

Performance dashboard for various schemes run by Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
7 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices.Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
8 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

To promote natural resource based integrated and climate resilient sustainable farming systems that ensure mainenance and increase od soil fertility, natural resource conservation, on-farm nutrient recycling and minimize dependance of farmers on external inputs.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
9 AGMARKNET Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

Integrated Scheme For Agricultural Marketing schmeme to promote creation of agricultural marketing infrastructure by providing backend subsidy support to State, cooperative and private sector investments.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy
10 Soil Health Card Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

To issue soil health cards every 3 years, to all farmers of the country, so as to provide a basis to address nutrient deficiencies in fertilization practices.

Agriculture, Livestock & Food Subsidy