Power: The government in Power Sector aims at building a financially viable and an environmentally sustainable power sector, furthering energy security and providing reliable 24x7 quality power to the country.
Nodal Ministry/Department: Ministry of Power
DMEO Nodal: Aishwarya Salvi, Young Professional - aishwarya[dot]salvi[at]govcontractor[dot]in
Key indicators:
- I. Distribution
1. Avg. cost & revenue gap (Rs/kwh)
2. AT&C losses (%)
3. Monitored Urban Feeders
4. Feeders with outage hours
5. Average monthly outage hours on monitored feeders
6. Cumulative agriculture feeder segregation
7. Commissioning of Sub-stations and Distribution Transformers
- II. Last Mile connectivity
8. Villages electrified
- III. Generation
9. Total stressed assets in power sector
Sector information and progress can be viewed here:https://npp.gov.in/dashBoard/cp-map-dashboard
New and Renewable Energy: The government in New and Renewable Energy Sector aims at utilizing natural sources of energy and converting them into power in order to reduce India’s Energy imports.
Nodal Ministry/Department: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
DMEO Nodal: Aishwarya Salvi, Young Professional, aishwarya[dot]salvi[at]govcontractor[dot]in
Key indicators:
- I. Cumulative Installed Capacity (in GW)
1. Total installed capacity
2. Installed capacity – Wind
3. Installed capacity – Solar
4. Tender Awarded/Auctioned Capacity –Total RE
- II. Solar Projects
5. Solar rooftop-Cumulative Capacity (in GW)
6. Solar parks- Development & construction
- III. Generation
7. Share of RE in generation (%)
- IV. Grid balancing and green corridor
8. Green corridor (transmission lines added, intrastate)- Cumulative
Sector information and progress can be viewed here: https://mnre.gov.in/the-ministry/physical-progress ; https://www.niti.gov.in/edm/#home
Petroleum and Natural Gas: The government in Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector looks after exploration and production of Oil & Natural Gas, refining, distribution and marketing, import, export, and conservation of petroleum products. Oil and Gas being the important import for our economy, many initiatives have been taken by the Ministry for increasing production and exploitation of all domestic petroleum resources to address the priorities like Energy Access, Energy Efficiency, Energy Sustainability and Energy Security.
Nodal Ministry/Department: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
DMEO Nodal: Gunjan Saini, Research Officer, gunjan[dot]saini[at]nic[dot]in
Key indicators:
- I. Supply Security (Short term)
1. Dependence on oil+ Oil Equivalent of Gas (OEG) imports
2. Crude oil production (MMT)
3. Natural gas production (BCM)
4. Reserve Replacement Ratio
- II. Supply Security (Long term)
5. Geographical Area explored (%)
- III. Promoting Gas Economy
6. Piped Natural Gas (PNG) connections (lakh)
7. Digital Transaction % for LPG
- IV. Subsidy
8. Households covered under Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG (Cr.)
9. LPG connections for Below Poverty Line (BPL) houses (lakh)
Sector information and progress can be viewed here: https://mopng.gov.in/en ; https://www.niti.gov.in/edm/#home
Coal: The government in Coal Sector aims to secure availability of coal to meet the demand of various sectors of the economy in an eco-friendly, sustainable and cost-effective manner.
Nodal Ministry/Department: Ministry of Coal
DMEO Nodal: B. K. Chaurasia, Economic Officer, chaurasia[dot]bk[at]gov[dot]in
Key indicators:
- I. Coal Block Allocation
1. Allotment of coking coal mines to CIL (in number)
2. Public Sector-Coal India Limited (CIL) (in MTPA)
3. Public Sector-Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) (in MTPA)
4. Others (pro-rata basis as per pattern of CIL) (in MTPA)
- II. Coal Block Auction & Allotment
5. Auction of coal mines for captive consumption (excluding steel Coking) (in Number)
- III. Environment
6. Area of Land reclaimed through eco-restoration (in Sq m)
- IV. Coal Production & Imports
7. Overall, Non-coking coal import (in MT)
Sector information and progress can be viewed here: https://coal.gov.in/ ; https://www.niti.gov.in/edm/#home
Mines: The government in Mines Sector aims at development and regulation of the mineral sector including the mining and metallurgy of all non-ferrous metals both in private and public sectors. Ministry of mines is also responsible for conducting surveys and undertaking exploration projects for estimating and refining mineral potentiality of the country.
Nodal Ministry/Department: Ministry of Mines
DMEO Nodal: B. K. Chaurasia, Economic Officer, chaurasia[dot]bk[at]gov[dot]in
Key indicators:
- I. Mineral Trade
1. Mineral import as % of total mineral consumption in the country (by value)
2. Mineral export as % of total mineral production in the country (by value)
- II. Supply Security (Long Term) - Exploration
3. Mining Area (sq. km)
- III. Production
4. Domestic Major Mineral production (INR Crore)
5. % Of operational Mining Leases
- IV. Operationalization
6. Number of mineral blocks operationalized
- V. Sustainability - Star Rating of Mines
7. Three and above Star Rated Mines (%)
- VI. Sustainability –District Mineral Foundation
8. Number of Projects completed
9. Fund utilization (%)
Sector information and progress can be viewed here: http://dashboard.mines.gov.in/